Robe Patt 2013

Projecteur type "Softlight", 750W HPL, 3 050 °K, look rétro idéal pour déco

Descriptions détaillées

Patt 2013 is the first in a series of retro style lighting – designed specifically to further the current trend for tungsten eye-candy on stage and set - for bands, television, film and general prop lighting.

Lighting fixtures can be more than just a practical neccessity – the luminaires themselves can be a piece of art and create the mood. This fixture, conceived by lighting designer Tim Routledge, has already been used on television broadcasts and concerts worldwide including Gary Barlow, The Prodigy, Robbie Williams, Paul McCartney, X Factor, Britain’s Got Talent, The Graham Norton Show plus numerous other talk-show sets. The 750W tungsten softlight is formed around a sleek, spun aluminium body which maximises its curves to look as good on stage as the performers it illuminates.

Whilst taking inspiration for its appearance from vintage broadcast lighting, the PATT 2013 incorporates the modern, readily available 750W HPL lamp.

  • Lamp: High Performance Tungsten Lamp
  • Base: G 9,5 special (with heat sink)
  • Recommended lamp type: HPL 750/240/X 750W - 240V, HPL 750/120/X 750W - 120V
  • Lifetime: 1.500 hours
  • Colour Temperature: 3.050 K
Optical System
  • 550mm parabolic aluminium reflector with high reflectivity coating
Thermal Specification
  • Maximum ambient temperature: 45 °C (113 °F)
  • Maximum housing temperature: 160 °C (320 °F)
Electrical Specification
  • Input voltage range: 120 V or 240 V, 50/60 Hz
  • Power consumption: 750 W
  • cETLus (pending)
  • Mounting Points: M12 mounting for clamp or spigot.
  • Operational in any position

Ce matériel en situation

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