Console numérique 16+2 faders, 32 voies mono + 8 stéréo, 16 mix, 8 matrix

Descriptions détaillées

The acclaimed CL series raised live digital mixing console performance to an unprecedented level of refinement with evolved sound quality, operability, and functionality, while maintaining the traditional values that have made Yamaha digital mixers industry standards. Core features and performance inherited directly from the CL series, including natural sound supported by sonically superb internal processing capabilities, operation that easily adapts to the demands of just about any working environment, and built-in Dante networking that facilitates flexible system configuration, have now been condensed and concentrated into the compact QL series digital mixing consoles. QL series consoles offer all-in-one mixing, processing, and routing capability for small to medium scale live sound, corporate speech events, installations, and much more.

The Yamaha sound begins with reproduction that is faithful to the source. QL series consoles feature circuitry and components that have been designed and selected with the utmost care, achieving outstanding audio purity from input to output. With that solid sonic foundation it becomes possible to take full advantage of built-in premium internal processors such as the Portico 5033/5043 created in cooperation with Rupert Neve, to shape and create as required. For a wide range of speech applications built-in automatic mixing functionality from Dan Dugan Sound Design provides optimum channel balance while allowing the operator to concentrate fully on optimizing the overall sound.

Main Features:

  • it all begins with natural, uncolored sound 
  • every component contributes to superior sonic precision 
  • vcm technology and rupert neve approved 
  • revolutionary dan dugan automatic mixer built in 
  • refined interface for intuitive control 
  • straightforward “touch and turn” operation 
  • the yamaha selected channel system 
  • advanced features backed by efficient design 
  • faders designed for fit, feel, and visual feedback 
  • selected channel controls for direct, instant access 
  • high visibility channel names and colors 
  • comprehensive fader bank section 
  • flexible network capability in an all-in-one console 
  • superior dante networking built in 
  • redundancy for reliability 
  • "port to port" enhances system versatility 
  • capable systems with fewer devices 
  • i/o rack sharing without gain complications 
  • everything you need for creative engineering 
  • 2-track/multitrack recording and playback 
  • convenient 2-track recording to usb flash drive 
  • smooth support for multitrack recording 
  • expandable capacity and functionality 
  • cascade for large systems 
  • lake processing 
  • tight ipad and computer integration 
  • features optimized for live sound 
  • 300 scene memories 
  • versatile input and output delays 
  • ample eq and dynamics processing 
  • 16 dca groups 
  • 8 mute groups 
  • 12 user defined keys 
  • multiple user key sets 
  • 5-in/5-out gpi interface 


  • Sampling frequency rate Internal: 44.1kHz / 48kHz 
  • Sampling frequency rate external: 44.1kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm), 48kHz: +4.1667%, +0.1%, -0.1%, -4.0% (±200ppm) 
  • Signal delay: Less than 2.5ms, INPUT to OMNI OUT, Fs= 48kHz 
  • Fader: 100mm motorized, Resolution=1024steps, +10dB to -138dB, -∞dB all faders 
  • Total harmonic distortion: Less than 0.05% 20Hz-20kHz@+4dBu into 600Ω, INPUT to OMNI OUT, Input Gain= Min 
  • Frequency response: +0.5, -1.5dB 20Hz-20kHz, refer to +4dBu output @1kHz, INPUT to OMNI OUT 
  • Dynamic range: 112dB typ.: DA Converter / 108dB typ.: INPUT to OMNI OUT, Input Gain = Min 
  • Hum & noise level / Equivalent input noise: -128dBu typ., Equivalent Input Noise, Input Gain=Max 
  • Hum & noise level / Residual output noise: -88dBu, Residual output noise, ST master off 
  • Crosstalk: -100dB*1, adjacent INPUT/OMNI OUT channels, Input Gain = Min. 
  • Power requirements: 100-240V 50/60Hz 
  • Power consumption: 135w 
  • Dimensions: W: 468mm(18.4in ) H: 272mm(10.7in) D: 562mm(22.1in) 
  • Net weight: 14.7kg(32.4lb) 
  • Accessories: Owner’s Manual, power cord, DVS license sheet 
  • Options: Rackmount kit RK1, Mini-YGDAI cards *2 , Gooseneck Lamp LA1L, Nuendo Live 
  • Others: Operating temperature range: 0 - 40°C, Storage temperature range: -20 - 60°C

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